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Why companies are debranding

Debranding is a marketing strategy to remove the manufacturer’s name from a product to appear less corporate or to save on advertising. De-corporatizing is when a company removes its name from its logo for a marketing campaign in an attempt to make itself appear less corporate and more personal. 從事設計十幾年看著各種品牌logo設計的變化,有時在想為何logo要愈做愈簡潔,除了跟上時代的潮流之外…這個影片給了很好的解釋。


網頁設計流程: Milestones & Timeline

Every web design project should start with a design process. Having a design process in place and setting up the website design milestones and timeline before you begin will help you overcome any confusion and distractions along the way. Some say that the first impression of a website is based on the quality of the …